Southeastern Synod Youth and Young Adult Ministry


Theme: "The 10 Commandments"

Register today for the next Confirmation Retreat at Lutheranch,

hosted by the Southeastern Synod

April 19-21, 2024


Lutheranch - Tallapoosa, GA

(Young Adults - ages 18-30 - helping to serve on staff come for FREE!)

(Registration is now closed)


We are excited to have begun a 2-year rotation of Confirmation camps

at Lutheranch in Tallapoosa, GA.  (Click here for map.)

The educational aspects of the Confirmation retreats are lead by synod leadership, including Pr. Michael Jannett (Assistant to the Bishop for Formation and Communication),  Ms. Melissa Fuller-Sims (Assistant to the Bishop and Director for Evangelical Mission), and Pr. Nancy Christensen, and others.   The Lutheranch support staff helps in other aspects, including hospitality, games, food, and more.

The retreats are held at the McKanna-Sandrock Retreat Center at Lutheranch (see pics below), where we explore the great outdoors, the lake, archery, games, and more.

The learning is based on a 2-year rotation of essential lessons for youth engaging in formation through Confirmation (aka "Affirmation of Baptism").

Courses planned thus far (and to continue in a cycle):


Spring 2024 (April 19-21, 2024) - The 10 Commandments

Fall 2024 (Sept 20-22, 2024) - The Bible / Lutheran Theology

Spring 2025 (April 25-27, 2025) - The Lord's Prayer & The Creed

Fall 2025  (Sept 19-21, 2025) - The Sacraments - Holy Baptism & Holy Communion


McKanna-Sandrick Retreat Center at Lutheranch - location for these Confirmation retreats: